Latest Episodes

Episode 21
May 10, 2021
B121 - Easter 7
Psalm 1, Acts 1:15-26, John 17:6-19 are the focus this week. Acts 1 narrates the choosing of a new leader to replace Judas, raising...

Episode 20
April 29, 2021
B120- Easter 6 (John 15:9-17, Acts 10:44-48)
The readings this week invite us to reflect on change, the role of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus’ commandment to love. Acts 10:44-48 narrates...

Episode 19
April 22, 2021
B119 - Easter 5 (Acts 8:26-40; John 15:1-8)
The universal embrace of the gospel is embodied in the Ethiopian Eunuch in the Acts 8 passage. The usual social barriers are no barriers...

Episode 18
April 16, 2021
B118 - Easter 4 (Good Shepherd)
Robyn and Fran unpack the good shepherd imagery used for God in Psalm 23 and Jesus in John 10:11-18. We discuss the complexity of...

Episode 17
April 09, 2021
B117 - Easter 3 (Acts 3:12-19, Luke 24:36-48)
Kylie Crabbe returns to discuss the reaction to Peter healing a man with a mobility impairment in Acts 3. This is a conversation between...

Episode 16
April 02, 2021
B116 - Easter 2 (John 20:19-31, Acts 4:32-35)
Kylie Crabbe joins the podcast to unpack the Acts passages this week and in the weeks ahead. We discuss the dating and authorship of...