Episode 31

July 15, 2021


B131 - Pentecost 9 (Proper 12)

Hosted by

Fran Barber Monica Melanchthon Sally Douglas Kylie Crabbe Howard Wallace Robyn Whitaker
B131 - Pentecost 9 (Proper 12)
By the Well
B131 - Pentecost 9 (Proper 12)

Jul 15 2021 | 00:28:52


Show Notes

Robyn and Fran discuss David’s rape of Bathsheba and murder of Uriah (2 Samuel 11:1-15) asking how God’s story might redeem our stories whether we be perpetrator or victim. David is ultimately confronted with his sin and Bathsheba claims her own authority as mother of the future king Solomon. We touch on the prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21 and explore the nuances of John’s version of the feeding of the 5000 (John 6:1-21).

We refer to these articles on Working Preacher by Will Gafney and Gennifer Brooks as well as this article in the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. 

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